Thursday, August 28, 2008


Supreme Court Judgment => PT. PARMANAND KATARA, PETITIONER v. UNION OF INDIA AND OTHERS, RESPONDENTS. Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 270 of 1988 (Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India), decided on August 28, 1989.The Supreme Court has ruled that all injured persons especially in the case of road traffic accidents, assaults, etc., when brought to a hospital / medical centre, have to be offered first aid, stabilized and shifted to a higher centre / government centre if required. It is only after this that the hospital can demand payment or complete police formalities. In case you are a bystander and wish to help someone in an accident, please go ahead and do so. Your responsibility ends as soon as you leave the person at the hospital.The hospital bears the responsibility of informing the police, giving first aid etc.Please do inform your family and friends about these basic rights so that we all know what to expect and what to do in the hour of need. Please not only go ahead and forward, use it too!!!!The BackgroundIn a Public interest petition filed in Supreme Court of India in 1988 the Supreme Court of India had declared that " Every Doctor whether at Government Hospital or otherwise has the professional obligation to extend his services with due expertise for protecting life. The obligation is total, absolute and paramount".In spite of the fact that the Supreme Court had ordered that this order should be given wide publicity, neither the publicity had been adequate nor the knowledge of this order. Due to this there are still many instances of refusal by private hospitals to treat accident victims.Further, it is a common sight that when accident occurs there will be many to crowd around and express their views on who was responsible for the accident but hardly anyone would help to rush the accident victim to the nearest hospital.

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